Article 263 of the Capital Companies Law establishes that companies that for two consecutive fiscal years meet, at the closing date of each of them, at least two of the following circumstances are required to have their annual accounts audited:

2.8 million 5.7 million 50 employees

Although it is true that, in the first fiscal year after its incorporation, transformation or merger, companies are exempt from the obligation to be audited if they meet, at the close of said fiscal year, at least two of the three circumstances expressed in the previous section.

Current year

Previous year

Based on the details you've provided, it sounds like your company needs an audit. But don't worry, we're here to help! Our team of audit experts can take care of the entire process and make sure everything is in order. Contact us and we'll help you get started as soon as possible - let's talk soon!

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Voluntary audit or any other of the above services. Whether you need help with accounting, financial consulting, or tax advice, our team of experts is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us and let's get started!
You may exceed the parameters next year.